Rozilah Binti Abdul Aziz

Embracing Digital Transformation for Bigger Success!
My name is Rozilah Binti Abdul Aziz from Johor Bahru, Malaysia. I am 36 years old and I joined Tupperware Brands since June 2018. Currently I hold the rank of Executive Director and going after the nextrank, SED.
Prior joining Tupperware Brands, I was a full time house wife without income. The sole breadwinner was my husband who works as a QC inspector, merely making enough money to live by.
When I was introduced to Tupperware Business by my upline, I knew this was the life changing moment for me and my family. True enough, with my hard work and assistance from the uplines, I am proud to say that today I have achieved most of the rewards provided by Tupperware Brands.
Last year, I achieved a brand new Toyata Vios from Tupperware Brands and I purchased our first home last month. My success was built mainly on offline activities like Tupperware rallies, parties and business coaching. Due to the pandemic, my business was affected as face-to-face and physical contact was impossible. Thanks to the digital innovation, I embraced digital and lead and coach my team to promote our business and actively selling through online channels.
With the digital initiatives launched by the company, especially the eTuppStore, it has made things much easier for us to continue with our business. Since the pandemic, my social media followers has increased by 30% and I am targeting for a double-digit growth by end of this year.
For a non-tech housewife, I’m embracing digital everyday - conducting weekly zoom meetings with my directors, hosting product demo sessions via Facebook and conducting onboarding sessions with potential business partners. I believe digital/social selling is the future, and it will bring my business to the next level.
Thank you.