
- 230g cream cheese,
at room temperature - 60g caster sugar
- 60g whipping cream
- 60g yogurt
- 50g condensed milk
- 1 tsp. vanilla essence
- 1 tbsp. cornstarch
- 30g warm water
Cooking time: 10 min.
Difficulty: easy
In a mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese, caster sugar, and vanilla essence. Cream together until well mixed.
Gradually add the whipping cream, yogurt, and condensed milk to the cheese mixture. Mix until smooth and well combined. Set aside.
In a separate bowl, mix the cornstarch with warm water until smooth.
Slowly incorporate the cornstarch mixture into the cheese mixture, stirring until evenly combined.
Pour the mixture into a Tupperware Pocket Cooker and cover with the lid.
Cook in a 800-watt microwave oven for 10 minutes.
Allow the cheesecake to cool before serving. Enjoy!
Additional Note:
* Maximum power 800 watt microwave can be use for this product.